Brussel Sprouts with Bacon

This recipe was not in the original cookbook, but always manages to show up on Thanksgiving

2 to 4 servings

1.5 lbs brussel sprouts
1/2 cup shallots
1 lb. bacon
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
to taste salt and pepper


  1. Prepare brussel sprouts by cutting off ends, peeling back the first layer of leaves, and cutting in half.
  2. Boil water for the brussel sprouts, parboil for 5 minutes
  3. Cook bacon in a pan until mostly crispy, leaving the oil in the pan
  4. Cook the shallots in the grease (draining excess), about 5-10 minutes
  5. Add the brussel sprouts, heat a few minutes
  6. Chop and then add back the bacon, heating throughout
  7. Add the balsamic and remove from heat, salt and pepper to taste