
As a general rule all Swedish cookies are baked until just barely browned.

2 eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
1 pinch salt
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1-3 tablespoons vegetable oil


  1. Heat vegetable oil in a pan to about 350°
  2. Lightly beat eggs with sugar and salt. Add milk and flour. Beat mixture until it is smooth and slightly thickened.
  3. Put rosette iron into the pan of hot oil to heat. Then gently dip rosette iron into batter, being careful that the top of the rosette form does not go under the surface of the batter.
  4. Immediately dip battered iron into the hot oil for 20 to 25 seconds, or until it is slightly browned.
  5. Remove cookie from iron with a fork or knife and place on paper towel to cool.
  6. Rosettes can served plain or sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar.