Bunny Rolls

No Easter breakfast is complete without these bunnies. You probably all remember your mother getting up very early on Easter to make these bunnies.

Makes 30 bunnies

1 package active dry yeast
1/4 cup water
1 cup milk, scaled
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening
1 teaspoon salt
5+ cups flour, sifted enriched
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons orange peel, grated


  1. Soften yeast in warm water.
  2. Blend milk, sugar, shortening and salt. Cool until lukewarm. Add 2 cups of flour, stirring well. Add eggs and mix well. Stir in yeast. Add orange juice, peel and renmining flour to make soft dough. Let rest 10 minutes.
  3. Knead dough for 5 to 10 minutes on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic. Place in lightly greased bowl, turning once to grease entire surface. Cover, let rise in warm place until doubled (about 2 hours). Punch down, cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Roll dough into 1/2” thick rectangle on lightly floured surface. Cut dough into 1/2” wide strips and roll between hands to smooth. Make a 10” strip for each body and a 5” strip for each head.
  5. On a lightly greased cookie sheet make a loose swirl of the body strip. Swirl head strip and place close to body swirl (they’ll grow together as dough rises). For ears pinch off 1/2” strips and roll between fmgers until smooth and cigar shaped. Let a point make tip of ear, Snip off opposite end and place ears next to head. Pinch off a bit of dough, roll into ball for tail.
  6. Cover and let rise in warm place until nearly doubled (45 to 60 minutes). Bake in 375Β° oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Frost while warm with sugar glaze: 2 cups of sifted confectioners sugar, 1⁄4 cup hot water and 1 teaspoon butter. Mix until blended.