Lutefisk and Bechamel Sauce

Mmmh good!

4 to 100 servings


1 package Lutefisk
2-5 lbs. white potatoes
to taste mustard


  1. Boil Lutefisk according to instructions on package.
  2. Serve with boiled potatoes, béchamel (below) or white sauce, and mustard.
  3. To eat, per tradition, mash one or two potatoes.
  4. Place serving portion of fish on potatoes and top with sauce and mustard.
  5. Remember to keep silver away from Lutefisk as it will turn the silver black.

Bechamel Sauce

1⁄4 cup butter
3 tablespoons heavy cream
1⁄4 cup flour
to taste salt and white pepper
2 cups milk
1⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 thin slices onion
2 parsley sprigs


  1. Heat butter in a saucepan and stir in flour. Cook stirring with a whisk, until thoroughly blended, three to four minutes.
  2. Scald milk with the onion and parsley. Strain into butter-flour mixture, stirring constantly. When sauce is thickened and smooth, add the cream.
  3. Add nutmeg and season to taste with salt and pepper.