Letter from the Authors

For this website we added some new recipes that we developed over the last few years; some are your suggestions and one is from a friend. The recipes have been gathered under some new categories and some have been reclassified. We hope this will make the website more user-friendly. As with the first book, we hope you will eventually try all of the recipes. The old family favorites continue to bring back a lot of memories whenever we cook them. Looking back we find that great food and great meals have been an important part of our lives. Particularly when one or more of you were with us. We know that this is also true for you.

We have eaten some spectacular meals all over the world. We seem never to have met a culture that we did not enjoy. We also learned what it means to emerging cultures that have never developed a cuisine or have lost one when decades of war or impoverishment devastated it. For us the most memorable dish of all was Truffe en Crote in France. A whole truffle, just smaller than a golf ball, covered in pate and baked in a fabulous pastry. Can taste it to this day.

Trips with many of you to Italy, Greece, Vietnam, Morocco, France and England were not only a lot of fun but also instructive. When we were having dinner in a small French restaurant, Kathy was advising me how to pronounce the French word for wine. “Van,” she pronounced phonetically and I practiced. “Van,” she said over and over again. “Like Van Johnson.” I dutifully pronounced it over and over again. “Van, like Van Johnson.” When the waiter attended our table, I pulled myself up and asked for the “Carte de Von.” Kathy looked disapproving. “What?!” I exclaimed. “Von. Like ‘Von Johnson. “ We all hit the floor laughing. Laurie can tell you the “few pie” story.

Mom and Dad (and Matt)